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Obispo Diocesano
Monseñor Pedro Pablo Elizondo
Rector de la Catedral
Pbro. Mario Gonzaléz Suárez
Vicario de Catedral
Pbro. Reineris Herazo Julio
Vicario de Catedral
Pbro. Luis Guadalupe Canul Cauich
Comisión de Pastoral Profética
Diac. Sixto Raúl Rodríguez
Comisión para la Pastoral Litúrgica
Madre Paula Martin
Comisión para la Pastoral Social
Diac. Dagoberto Poot Pech
Comisión para Vocaciones y Ministerios
Diac. Alberto Martínez Pantoja
Comisión para la Familia, Vida, Juventud y Laicos
Diac. Genaro Zaldívar
Our Organization Chart
In order to serve you properly, our parish needs to be organized as well as possible, in which all of us who are part of this parish community participate: Pastor, Parochial Vicar, lay pastoral agents, religious, and lay faithful who belong to and attend our parish.